Recent Legislation Enacted After LexisNexis 2023 Update Deadline
The below information was provided by David Unwin, Revisor of Statutes, to alert attorneys to this limitation in the most recent update by LexisNexis. Some legislation enacted late in the session is not yet incorporated into LexisNexis, including the important S.L. 2023-134 2023 Budget Bill which includes the NC State Bar Grievance Review Committee, Disciplinary Hearing Commission, and State Bar Fees provisions, as well as later notary law amendments, NCBA corporate law recommendations, and more regulatory reform, among others.
Due to the publishing schedule of LexisNexis, when sessions last a long time, LexisNexis and the Legislative Services Office typically agree on a cutoff date to determine what session laws get included in the next update of the General Statutes. The goal is to include as many session laws as possible while also enabling LexisNexis to publish its annual update on schedule. For instance, last year, LexisNexis and the Legislative Services Office agreed to treat S.L. 2023-122 as the last session law for purposes of the 2023 update. The General Assembly’s website is drawn from LexisNexis’s electronic data, so the website currently reflects sessions laws up through S.L. 2023-122. The Legislative Services Office is currently working on a 2024 Special Supplement that will reflect the remaining 2023 session laws. The 2023 budget bill (S.L. 2023-134) is one of these session laws. It is important to be aware of how up to date the General Assembly’s website is. Because the website currently does not reflect S.L. 2023-123 through S.L. 2023-151, a researcher should check the Law Modifications list for those session laws to gain the most current picture of the statutes. This list shows what General Statute and Session Law sections have been modified by these remaining 2023 session laws.