Entries by EnvironmentalLaw

Upcoming Council Meeting and Featured Speaker Event

By Grace Hearn  Please join the North Carolina Bar Association’s Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Law Section Council for its quarterly meeting and featured speaker event, “Bridging Partnerships for a Resilient Western North Carolina,” this Thursday, November 14, 2024, beginning at 10:30 a.m. During the Council meeting, members from the different committees will report on […]

2024 EENR Section Essay Contest Award Winners Selected

By Maria Savasta-Kennedy Each year, the NCBA Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Section Council hosts an essay contest for high school students across the state centered on the theme of sustainability. This year’s contest focused on the role geoengineering could play in reducing global warming and offsetting some of the impacts of climate change. Specifically, […]

Upcoming Pro Bono Opportunities

By Cordon Smart Greetings Section Members, Anne Harvey, Mona O’Bryant and I serve as the co-chairs of the Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Law Section Pro Bono Committee. We wanted to provide information about some upcoming pro-bono opportunities. Updates to EENR Environmental Law Fact Sheets In 2009, the EENR Section prepared a series of Environmental […]

Spotlight: Billy Clarke

By Rick Kolb Billy Clarke is a partner at Roberts & Stevens in Asheville. Billy has long been active in the Environment, Energy, & Natural Resources Section and served as chair of the section in 2009-2010. For those who attend the annual section meeting on alternate years in Asheville, you probably know Billy as the host […]

Spotlight: Amy Wang

By Rick Kolb Amy Wang is the incoming chair of the Environment, Energy & Natural Resources Section, and she is an attorney at Ward and Smith, P.A., based in their New Bern office. She leads the environmental practice for her firm, where she has worked for 17 years. Amy was born in Kansas City, Missouri, […]