Annual Meeting and Upcoming Event

By John P. Marshall 

Dear Section Members,

The Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Law Section Annual Meeting and CLE was held on February 13, 2020 at the Bar Center in Cary. As usual, the event was well attended with almost 150 people attending in person or online. Topics included an analysis of the Economic Loss Rule, enforcement of Antitrust laws from those that enforce them, business valuation issues, ethical issues arising in small business disputes and receiverships. The highlight of the day was the Business Court Judges Panel Discussion which was attended by all five of the state’s Business Court Judges.

The CLE was wonderfully planned by Tom Segars of Ellis & Winters, LLP. Special thanks to our presenters and moderators Katie Burchette, Fred Monroe, Greg Skidmore, Catherine Arrowood, Stephen Carey, Sarah Clayton, Vic Domen, George Hawkins, Deborah Hylton, Catherine Lawson, Scottie Lee, Ryan Quillian and George Sanderson. Of course, a big thank you also is extended to Judges Bledsoe, Gale, McGuire, Conrad and Robinson for their always instructive and educational panel discussion on the Business Court. If you missed the CLE, we highly encourage you to catch a replay.

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Pro Bono Initiative – Privacy

By Nathan Chase

Dear Members of the Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes Section:

I hope that everyone enjoyed the Annual Section Meeting and CLE on February 13th—thanks to Tom Segars, Jenna Butler, and everyone else involved in putting on such a great event. As Jenna mentioned at the Meeting, the ACBD Pro Bono Committee is pleased to announce a new initiative to provide resources to help North Carolinians protect their privacy. Privacy issues are an increasingly important topic today and we are excited to do our part in educating the public about how to avoid and deal with this problem.

Our privacy protection initiative involves two parts. First, we have developed a privacy protection brochure that provides information and identifies resources regarding identity theft, unwanted texts and emails, and other privacy issues. Printed copies of the brochure have been delivered to over 120 public libraries and legal aid centers throughout North Carolina. The Committee has received a grant from the North Carolina Bar Foundation to assist with this effort—we greatly appreciate their support.

Second, we have developed a comprehensive presentation regarding identity theft, which can be found here. This presentation is intended to be a resource for use by our members during community events or in other settings where identity theft and privacy issues are discussed.

The ACBD section is excited about continuing its tradition of pro bono involvement. If you would like to learn more about this important initiative or have thoughts on other pro bono efforts, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].




Sign Up Now for Core Curriculum for Complex Business Litigators!

By Tom Segars

Happy New Year! One special delight of ringing in another year is knowing that the Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Section Annual Meeting and CLE is right around the corner.  The CLE is always a wonderful opportunity to network with others, to learn about matters that truly affect our practice, and to fulfill any last-minute CLE needs.  This year’s CLE on February 13, 2020, will be no exception.

Core Curriculum for Complex Business Litigators features a lineup of dynamic speakers to present on a broad range of topics.  The agenda includes deep dives into substantive legal areas that many of us encounter regularly:

  • North Carolina’s economic loss rule;
  • Ethical issues that arise in closely-held business disputes; and
  • The law of receivership.

Three exceptionally qualified panels will bring diverse perspectives on areas of practical significance to our Section membership:

  • Arbitration as a means of resolving complex business disputes—with practical tips and empirical data about the process;
  • Developments in recent antitrust initiatives, investigations, theories, and major enforcement actions from the Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, and state attorneys general; and
  • Particularly difficult business valuation issues—with insights for working with expert witnesses from both lawyers and business valuators.

The program will culminate with a “view from the bench” panel presentation of the North Carolina Business Court Judges.  Attendees will have the unique opportunity to have their own questions addressed by the Court.  Anyone who has seen this presentation in previous years will tell you that it is truly a must-attend for those of us who practice before the Business Court regularly.

If you have not yet done so, please sign up here.  I hope to see you there!

A Message from the Chair of the NCBA Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes Section

By Jenna Fruechtenicht Butler

Dear Members of the Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes Section:

Thank you for re-joining and joining the Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes (ACBD) Section of the NCBA for the 2019-2020 bar year.  I am honored to serve as your Chair.  Your leadership team of officers, council members, and committee chairs already are hard at work representing the section and planning activities for the upcoming year.

As many of you are aware, our marquee event is the ACBD annual meeting and full-day CLE regularly held in February and chaired this year by Tom Segars.  We have an exciting program lined up for February 13, 2020 with a wide variety of speakers so I encourage you to please go ahead and mark your calendars so you can attend in person and network with your fellow section members.

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Register Now For ACBD CLE/Annual Meeting Feb. 7 In Cary

The Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Law Section Annual Meeting and CLE, titled “The Complex Issues Arising in Complex Litigation” will be Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019, at the North Carolina Bar Center.

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Supreme Court May Soon Tell You Whether a Denial Of State Action Immunity Is Immediately Appealable

By Nathan Standley

The U.S. Supreme Court has granted a petition for certiorari in the case of Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement & Power District v. SolarCity Corp., No. 17-368 (U.S. Sept. 7, 2017).  If you advise state agencies or local governments, you will want to take note of what the court determines.

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Save the Date For the ACBD Section Annual Meeting, Feb. 7, 2019

It’s never too early to block off your calendar for the ACBD Annual Meeting. It’s on for Feb. 7, 2019 at the Bar Center in Cary.

That’s the when and where. Details on who and what to come.

CLE Lunch & Learn: How Do Diverse Legal Teams Perform Better?

Join the Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Section and the Intellectual Property Law Section, live or via webcast, for a discussion of diversity in the legal workplace. The program Performance and the Bottom Line: How Diverse Legal Teams Perform Better takes place Wednesday, April 25 at the Bar Center in Cary. Registration link available soon.

During the CLE-credit portion, a panel will discuss topics including:

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Five N.C. Business Court Pro Tips, From the Law Clerk Perspective


By Tim Lendino

Recently I asked a few Business Court law clerks the following question:  What are some practice pointers that you would give to attorneys appearing before the Court?  Although I clerked at the Business Court and should presumably have some insight into my own question, it’s been a while since I clerked so I thought it would be beneficial to get a fresh perspective.  Below is my summary of five tips I received.  Disclaimer:  These are the views of certain anonymous individuals and should not be attributed to the Business Court.

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Welcome, ACBD Section Members!

By C. Bailey King Jr.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the new Bar year with the first post in our new blog format.  It is an exciting year for the Antitrust and Complex Business Disputes Section, beginning with the transition from a newsletter to this new blog format under the leadership of our editor, Nathan Standley.  Going forward, Nathan will be working with Gavin Parsons and Tim Lendino to bring you blog content, which will include encouraging each of you to write blog posts.

The reason for this change is simple: we believe it will better serve you. Our newsletter has always provided great content for Section members. Now, we will be able to push that same content out in a more timely fashion and in a way that is easier to access. We hope that by making this change we will be able to provide you with greater resources in your practice. More importantly, in my opinion, unlike the newsletter, blog posts will be freely distributed across the internet, making the publication opportunities our Section provides much more valuable. Nathan and I invite all Section members to submit proposed posts for consideration. Our hope is that this change will help all of us in building diverse practices focusing on antitrust and complex business disputes.

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