Practicing Mindfulness During Exam Season

Aleycia, a Black woman with black hair, wears a navy blue blouse and pearl necklace. Rachel, a Black woman with black hair with blond highlights, wears a pale grey suit and clear glasses. By Aleycia Ballantyne and Rachel Cleveland

Navigating through finals season can often feel like traversing a marathon of stress and anxiety, and as NCBA law student representatives at UNC, we understand the weight of this challenge all too well. As we gear up for impending exams, it’s crucial to acknowledge the toll it can take on our mental well-being. To support you during this demanding time, we’ve compiled a few strategies that have helped us to manage stress and approach exams with confidence and tranquility.

First and foremost, let’s talk about the unsung hero of productivity: sleep. We’ve all been inundated with the age-old advice to prioritize sleep, yet it’s astonishing how often we ignore it. Personally, I used to pride myself on burning the midnight oil, believing that sacrificing sleep was synonymous with dedication. However, I soon learned that this mentality is not sustainable in the long run. I discovered that by establishing a bedtime routine and consciously disconnecting from screens and study materials by midnight, I reclaimed a semblance of balance. While I may not always achieve eight hours of sleep, prioritizing rest has significantly enhanced my cognitive clarity and resilience, ultimately empowering me to tackle the day’s challenges with renewed vigor.

Next up: planning and preparation. While pursuing perfection may seem enticing, our goal instead should be to cultivate a sense of order amidst the chaos. Start by outlining your priorities for the weeks ahead, then break down these objectives into manageable tasks on a weekly and daily basis. By adopting a systematic approach, you can alleviate unnecessary stress and maintain control over your workload.

When you find yourself hitting a mental roadblock or experiencing a decline in productivity, it’s essential to shift gears and get moving—literally. Whether it’s hitting the gym, taking a brisk walk, or indulging in some uplifting music, physical activity can serve as a potent antidote to stagnation. By redirecting your energy and engaging in productive pursuits, you can reignite your motivation and approach tasks with a renewed sense of purpose.

Speaking of motivation, let’s address the elephant in the room: sometimes, it’s simply not there. Rather than waiting for inspiration to strike, adopt a proactive mindset and dive into tasks headfirst. Even if you’re feeling intimidated or apprehensive, committing to just five or ten minutes of focused work can often be enough to kickstart your momentum. And if all else fails, take a brief break to attend to other tasks or engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit before returning to the task at hand.

Lastly, let’s talk about mindset. It’s easy to succumb to the pressure of finals season and allow negative thoughts to dictate our reality. However, by challenging these self-limiting beliefs and reframing our perspective, we can regain control over our mental landscape. Embrace the notion that your best effort is always enough, regardless of the outcome, and strive to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset that prioritizes learning and personal development above all else.

As we transition into the final stretch of the semester, remember to take time to do things that recharge you. Whether it’s taking a 30-minute to an hour break for yourself to watch your favorite TV show, scroll Instagram, TikTok, or work out — include it into your schedule. Practice mindfulness and be in tune with your body and any stress triggers. Set small goals every day that are practicable and achievable. Make it a habit to check them off at the end of each day. Doing so holds as a reminder that every small step you take towards exam preparation brings you closer to a brighter future. Whether it is hour by hour or day by day, we’re inching closer to the finish line together. And remember, these strategies aren’t just confined to exam season—they’re valuable tools that can serve you well in all aspects of life. So, keep pushing forward, stay resilient, and never lose sight of the progress you have made. You’ve got this!

Aleycia Ballantyne and Rachel Cleveland are NCBA Law Student Representatives at the University of North Carolina School of Law.