Updates from the Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Law Section
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome, albeit a bit late, to the 2022-2023 NCBA year! It is my privilege to serve as your chair for the bar year.
Our section has a busy year planned. With COVID-19 now becoming a manageable and distant memory, be on the lookout for more networking opportunities that will be offered by our section. In addition, under the leadership of Greg Skidmore, we will have our annual meeting and CLE event on February 2, 2023, at the Bar Center in Cary. Greg has already planned and is putting the finishing touches on what promises to be a very informative and interesting program. Once again, we are fortunate that our Business Court Judges have agreed to be part of our event. Their portion of the program is always a hit, and we are fortunate that the judges are willing to take time out of their schedule to share their insights with us.
The ACBD Council has one spot that has become available. If you have an interest in serving, please let Gavin Parsons, our past Chair, know.
We are interested in your input. The Section leadership is available. If you would like to become involved in a Committee, you may sign up. Committee membership is a great way to learn about our section and an opportunity participate in the section’s work.
Committees and Committee Chairs
Greg Skidmore
Scottie Forbes Lee
Agustin Martinez
Pro Bono
Michael Parrish
Preetha Suresh Rini
Law School Relations
Corri Hopkins
Lauren Snyder
Chris Edwards
Gavin Parsons
We look forward to a great year with you.
John Marshall is the chair of the NCBA Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Section.