Entries by FamilyLaw

Family Law Section Update: January

By Ketan Soni A. We had a Council meeting on January 12, 2023. The next meeting is on March 23, 2023, in Cary, NC. You might ask: “Why wasn’t I invited?” The answer is: “You’re not signed up to volunteer as a committee chair or a council member.” Then, you might say: “Well, how can […]

How to Stop Failing at Getting Your Pro Bono Hours

By Elysia Prendergast-Jones and Sarah Hill McIntyre Elysia Prendergast-Jones and Sarah Hill McIntyre are Co-Chairs of the Pro Bono Committee of the Family Law Section. They have taken on the important task of serving the underserved in addition to managing regular cases. The Pro Bono Committee is always looking for volunteers to assist clients across […]

November Family Law Section Update

By Ketan Soni I’m thankful that I’m still your chair. You are probably thankful that Jill Jackson will be your next chair. Please don’t impeach me. We just had a Council meeting on November 17. Here’s an update on my goals. 1. Succession Plan: It’s going to get done by December 31, 2022. So far, […]

Meet the Leaders, Part 1: Jill Jackson

By Ketan Soni Jill Jackson has been a staple of the family law community in North Carolina for over 20 years. You may know her as a fierce litigator, a seasoned negotiator, or literally a Wonder Woman™. (Ask her about this if you don’t know the reference.) In addition to these wonderful things, Jill has […]

Celebrating Pro Bono Month

By Elysia Prendergast-Jones The month of October brings awareness to many causes. It is Cancer Awareness Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Pro Bono Month. Let’s talk about what we can do as family law attorneys to bring some awareness to Pro Bono Month. The North Carolina State Bar asks each lawyer to commit to […]

October Family Law Section Update

By Ketan Soni Did you read my last post? Here it is. I’m still your chair. Jill Jackson is still your more pleasant vice-chair. Before reading the rest of this post, ask yourself: “Am I seriously going to be out-volunteered by Ketan Soni?” If the answer is: “Not while I still have breath in me!”, […]

Looking Beyond Lawyers to Close the Access to Justice Gap

By Alicia Mitchell-Mercer and S.M. Kernodle-Hodges “If one wishes to know how justice is administered, one does not question the policemen, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotected— those, precisely, who need the law’s protection most! — and listens to their testimony. ~James Baldwin, “No Name on […]

Sleeping With the Fishes

By Lisa LeFante  Let’s face it, being a lawyer is hard. Being a family lawyer is even harder. We all know that lawyers get a bad rap . . . What do you call 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? . . . A good start! Family lawyers get an even worse rap […]

Hot Ticket Alert – 2022 Family Law Fall CLE Program

By Meredith Parker Are you looking to broaden your knowledge of family law? Are you in need of CLE hours? Have you missed the excitement of attending a fun-filled, in-person CLE with your favorite family law colleagues? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’re in luck – registration for the 2022 Family […]