Entries by Litigation

Think Twice – Avoiding Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege Through Issuance of a Press Release

By Isabelle M. Chammas and Joseph A. Schouten Your company has just been sued by a competitor for patent infringement, deceptive advertising, unfair competition, or any number of other business torts. The news spreads quickly across industry publications and blogs, leading to a flood of inquiries from concerned customers wanting to know if the stories have […]

Pro Bono Opportunities to Help Those Affected by Hurricane Helene

By Matt Krueger-Andes As you know, Hurricane Helene had a devastating impact on Western North Carolina. Recovery from this disaster will take years, and residents who have suffered losses from the storm need legal help getting back on their feet. The North Carolina Bar Foundation has several ways that North Carolina litigators can offer assistance. […]

Come to Our Section CLE on November 30!

By Donald R. Pocock I am pleased to serve as the chair of the section this year, and I am writing to encourage all of you to take advantage of the benefits the section has to offer. On November 30, the section will be hosting a CLE called Threading the Needle. The program focuses on […]

IRS Attacks Tax-Deferred Attorney Fee Structures

By Keith A. Wood, Chris W. Genheimer, and Michael J. Allen  Sometimes publicity is a bad thing, and notoriety is even worse. That seems to be the case with respect to an apparent major change in the IRS’s views on the tax treatment of contingent fee deferral arrangements that plaintiffs’ attorneys often use. Structured attorney […]

Changes to the Rules of Professional Conduct Regarding Client Confidentiality

By Amy Richardson  The Supreme Court of North Carolina recently approved amendments to Rules of Professional Conduct 1.6 (Confidentiality of Information) and 1.9 (Duties to Former Clients). The amendments permit a lawyer to disclose information acquired during the representation of a former client if the information is contained in the public record and disclosure is […]

eCourts Training Update

By Matt Van Sickle Hello Litigation Section Members. We have received an additional update on eCourts training and implementation. The Administrative Office of the Courts training schedule for the eCourts program can be found here. One point of clarification since the initial announcement is that the training is available for attorneys and legal staff. There remain options for virtual […]

eCourts Training is Here!

By Matt Van Sickle Hello Litigation Section Members. I am honored to serve the Litigation Section as Chair for the 2022-23 Bar Year, and will provide a roadmap for the coming year in another post. The purpose of today’s post is to let you know the Administrative Office of the Courts has released the schedule […]

Nominate a Colleague for an NCBA Pro Bono Award

By Karsin Williard Each year, the North Carolina Bar Association recognizes members for their substantial contributions to pro bono service in North Carolina. The nomination deadline for 2021-22 NCBA Pro Bono Award recognition is February 18. Please consider nominating a colleague for pro bono recognition. You can find more information and a nomination form here. […]