Entries by TAX

Disallowance of Deduction of Fines and Penalties Versus Restitution

By John G. Hodnette Subject to the origin of the claim test, most judgments or settlements paid by a business are fully deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses under Section 162(a). However, one exception is in Section 162(f), which provides “no deduction otherwise allowable shall be allowed under this chapter for any amount paid or […]

Federal Income Tax Update

By Keith A. Wood I. Sections 453 and 1042 Deferral Provisions Can Apply in the Same ESOP Transaction; Berman vs. Commissioner, 163 TC No. 1 (2024). In 2002, Mr. and Mrs. Berman sold their closely held C corporation stock to an ESOP for promissory notes. They did not receive any sale proceeds in 2002. They […]

Equitable Recoupment

By John G. Hodnette The doctrine of equitable recoupment applies to both assessment by the IRS (in Section 6501) and refunds by taxpayers (in Section 6511) where the IRS or taxpayer may characterize a transaction, item, or event in a different way in open tax years than it was characterized in a closed year. Inconsistencies between […]

Forfeiture of Unvested Profits Interests

By John G. Hodnette Pursuant to Rev. Proc. 2001-43, recipients of unvested profits interests are treated as partners on the date of grant regardless of whether they make Section 83(b) elections. Therefore, when the profits interest later vests, there is no additional income provided the parties meet the requirements of Rev. Proc. 2001-43 and Rev. Proc. […]

Federal Income Tax Update

By Keith A. Wood I. Conservation Easement Charitable Deduction Limited to Taxpayer’s Basis in Ordinary Income Property; Oconee Landing Property vs. Commissioner, TC Memo 2024-25. Oconee Landing Property, LLC claimed a charitable contribution deduction of almost $21 million for its donation of a conservation easement on property it owned in Georgia. The IRS disallowed the […]

Assignment of Income Doctrine

By John G. Hodnette The assignment of income doctrine was established in Lucas v. Earl, 281 U.S. 111 (1930). It is a judicial doctrine that requires income earned by a taxpayer to be taxed to the taxpayer regardless of to whom it is paid. In Lucas, the taxpayer assigned to another individual his right to receive […]

Basics of Section 409A

By John G. Hodnette Section 409A addresses the taxation of nonqualified deferred compensation plans. A nonqualified deferred compensation plan is any arrangement that provides for the deferral of compensation, subject to exceptions. Section 409A is a response to executive compensation practices Congress felt were inappropriately beneficial. Amounts deferred that do not meet the requirements of Section […]

Taxation of Cooperatives Under Subchapter T

By John G. Hodnette Tax practitioners are familiar with Subchapter C (C corporations), Subchapter K (partnerships), and Subchapter S (S corporations) but are generally less familiar with Subchapter T (§§ 1381-1388), which governs the taxation of cooperatives. A cooperative is an association otherwise taxable as a C corporation that markets, purchases, or performs business functions for […]

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Tax Section Year!

By Reed J. Hollander I trust everyone is having a good summer and finding enjoyable ways (aside from work) to avoid the heat and the daily downpours. We were fortunate this year to have wonderful weather during our annual CLE at Kiawah Island. Our CLE co-chairs, Kristin King and Jordan Fieldstein, did an outstanding job […]

Federal Income Tax Update

By Keith A. Wood I. Thanksgiving Holiday Extends the Due Date for Filing Tax Court Petition; Sall vs. Commissioner, 161 T.C. No. 13 (2023). Mr. Sall received a notice of deficiency dated August 25, 2022, which was sent to Mr. Sall by certified mail on August 26. The 90th day after August 26 was Thursday, […]