Share the Love of Pro Bono

Elysia, a woman with black hair, wears a mint-colored blouse and black jacket.By Elysia Prendergast-Jones

A new year comes with new commitments, new resolutions, and a fresh outlook on our impact in the community. This year, we want to invite you to start the new year by checking off your pro bono commitments for the year. Our family law bar is a very active bar with valuable knowledge that people are always seeking. With time commitments that have us all working around the clock, let the pro bono team make life a little sweeter with pre-planned events that will allow you to get involved with pro bono and give the gift of knowledge.

Let us tell you a little about all the love that we have already given to the citizens of North Carolina. The Family Law Section along with the Paralegal Division held an in-person family law clinic at the Blanchard Law clinic in Wake County. We were able to help many families through that event and have plans to spread the event across the state. Our scheduled February clinic in Greensboro is going to be moved to a later date; however, we are happy to report that the individuals who were already signed up will be assisted. We plan to reschedule the Greensboro event and to have a clinic in Wilmington.

We are also very excited to invite you all to the Family Law Empower Hour. It is conveniently planned for February 24, from noon to 1 p.m. Get your pro bono hours in right from the convenience of your home or office, all during a lunch. We want to invite as many family law attorneys as possible to join for the day and clear the queue for the family law questions. This is an easy way to get a pro bono hour in, by answering a family law question for financially prescreened people who are so grateful for the advice. We have included the link to sign up at the end of this blog.

Let 2023 be the start of reaching the 50 hours of pro bono per year that is encouraged by the state bar. Become a pro bono superstar and add your name to the roster of pro bono attorneys who give 50 hours or more. I challenge all the family law attorneys across the state to have the most pro bono hours of any type of law. In addition to our Empower Hour, sign up for a two-hour shift for 4ALL, on March 3, 2023. Family law is one of the most requested areas of assistance requested. So, let’s share the love of family law and your knowledge by becoming pro bono superstars.

Registration for the event is now available.