Insurance Law Section Annual Meeting and CLE – January 26-27, 2023
The North Carolina Bar Association’s Insurance Law Section is pleased to announce its upcoming CLE program, “The Continued Exploration of Insurance Law, Coverage, and Litigation Issues,” which is scheduled for Friday, January 27, 2023. Attendees will be able to attend the CLE in person at the Bar Center in Cary or via live Webcast. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.
During the CLE, speakers will explore a number of topics in the area of insurance law. The program will unpack coverage and litigation issues, including resolution of property insurance claims, stacking in uninsured and underinsured motorist claims, and key considerations in cybersecurity. The always popular “Top 10 Insurance Law Decisions” will return, along with a discussion of continuing issues arising from COVID-related losses. Finally, the program reviews Radiator Specialty Company v. Arrowood Indemnity Company and its impact on coverage triggers, coverage allocation across multiple policies and policy exhaustion.
Before the CLE, on Thursday, January 26, 2023, the Insurance Law Section will have its annual meeting for members of the Insurance Law Section and will host a social networking event. The networking event will be open to all, including speakers and attendees.
The Insurance Law Section looks forward to seeing everyone on January 26 and 27. Mark your calendars!