Remote Advocacy – Tips for Success


By Kimberly M. Marston

We have all experienced the dread of another Zoom meeting or Webex hearing, but why is it so hard to keep your energy and attention up when the webcam light is on?

And why are we so exhausted at the end of the day?

Before you step in front of the webcam for your next court appearance, it helps to consider some of the “digital drawbacks” and how you can minimize their impact on your advocacy.

Digital Drawbacks

  • Audio-visual delays. Even if the technology is working perfectly, microseconds of delay can impact how we communicate and how we are perceived. Research has shown that even small delays in the transmission of auditory and visual signals affect interpersonal perceptions. Delays of only 1.2 seconds led to perceptions that a person was less friendly or less focused.
  • Eye contact. We all know that it’s missing from our online interactions. It matters because there is robust psychosocial evidence that eye contact improves not only connection, but also memory.
  • Distractions. Going to court over Zoom or Webex is like walking into the courtroom with a giant mirror and placing it between you and the bench. It’s too easy to spend the entire time looking at yourself. Meanwhile, your listeners are facing their own struggles — kids, pets, coworkers, technology failures (or user errors), email notifications, and the temptation of multitasking.
  • “Zoom Fatigue.” We normally process non-verbal communications automatically. However, the small amount of non-verbal communication that makes it onto our screens must be consciously observed. That’s taxing. Added to that is the heightened stress caused by the increased emphasis on facial expressions and cues. This “cognitive load” (the use of working memory resources) means your mind will want a break more often than it did when everyone gathered in one place. Read more

The Second Biennial Diversity and Inclusion Symposium


Tawanda Artis

Niya Fonville

By Tawanda Artis and Niya Fonville

We are thrilled to announce the Minorities in the Profession (MIP) Committee’s second biennial Diversity and Inclusion Symposium. This free, virtual program will be held December 11, 2020, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. This Symposium is open to any attorney or legal professional interested in diversity and inclusion issues.

Reverend Jesse Jackson once said, “[i]nclusion is not a matter of political correctness. It’s the key to growth.” Regardless of one’s political leanings, or feelings toward Rev. Jackson for that matter, we cannot deny the truth of this statement. While MIP is dedicated to promoting an increase in the number of minority attorneys in the N.C. State Bar, it is also focused on creating an inclusive legal profession — an environment where all members feel heard and their experiences are valued and genuinely incorporated within a structure that may not have traditionally been so welcoming. Inclusivity impacts relationships between colleagues, attorney morale, and how effectively we serve our clients. We all have a part to play in creating and maintaining inclusive spaces. As a profession, as a nation, and as members of this global community, we have an obligation to educate ourselves and hold each other accountable when we fall short. The events of the past several months make this program timelier than ever and demonstrate why change is necessary and why the time is now. We are excited to build on the momentum in many firms and organizations across the nation who are auditing current programs and exploring new initiatives in this sphere.

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YLD Member Perspective: A Holistic Approach to Hiring


By Kayla Britt

I flunked out of law school in 2014. Now, in 2020, I’m a licensed attorney and a law clerk to the Honorable Reuben F. Young on the North Carolina Court of Appeals. The story of how I got to where I am today is significant and life-changing.

We are more than our setbacks. Those of us who have faced a perceived “failure,” including those who have been academically dismissed or had to sit for the bar exam more than once, should stand just as much of a chance as those who did not. “Qualifications” are extremely important, but seeing a person as more than a resume is important, too.

North Carolina Central University School of Law gave me not one but two chances to achieve my dreams. During my 1L year, I did the required reading and prepared to respond to cold calls, but I did not study effectively for exams. I worked hard but not smart, and I was ultimately dismissed. When I was readmitted to law school in 2016, I was so focused on my grades that I did not build my resume by becoming involved in many student organizations or other extracurricular activities. When it was time to apply for post-graduation jobs, I was just an average candidate, but that did not stop Judge Young from giving me the opportunity of a lifetime. In one hiring decision, he changed the whole trajectory of my career.

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