A Message from the Chair of the NCBA Privacy and Data Security Section
Greetings Privacy and Data Security Section members, and welcome to the 2020-2021 bar year! It is my honor and privilege to serve as Chair this year, and I am looking forward to working with an amazing and highly invested group of council members, committee co-chairs, and NCBA staff. I’m also very excited about this year’s top-notch programming, activities, blog content, and other valuable benefits our Section provides our members.
While this year may look a little different in light of the unique challenges that we are all navigating during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Section leadership is committed to providing the same excellent CLE programming, social and professional benefits, and practical tips and discussions with colleagues in this evolving area of law.
Below is an update on the Section’s activities this year and some opportunities for members to get involved in the Section’s work.
Annual Meeting and CLE
The Section Annual Meeting and CLE will be held on Thursday, September 17, 2020, from 8:55 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The CLE program will focus on recent developments in the law, CCPA implementation to date, and practical legal guidance on navigating vendor contracting issues in light of not-so-new laws. The program will also provide breakout sessions for practitioners interested in learning more about privacy and data security issues facing large international businesses, small local businesses, or consumers. The day will be rounded out with a session on ethics and technology issues related to attorney-client and work-product privilege issues in a data breach.
Committee Opportunities
I encourage all members who are not already involved with a Section committee to become involved. Committees are where the real work of the Section gets done, and they offer excellent opportunities to network with other members and become involved in the leadership of the Section.
The Section is always looking for members to volunteer to serve on our many wonderful committees and participate in our various activities. Please email me ([email protected]) or call me (704-338-6026) at any time to discuss how you might become more involved in the Section and maximize the value that your membership provides.
Looking forward to a fabulous year together,
Erin Illman