Get To Know Allyn Elliott
What law school did you attend and what was your graduation year?
Tulane Law School, 2003.
Describe a typical work day for you.
As a patent attorney, my typical workday likely differs from that of many other attorneys. A significant part of my day is spent reading about, analyzing, and writing about the technology involved in the patent matters I’m handling. I also spend considerable time consulting with clients, discussing their technology, strategizing how to protect their innovations, and finding ways to navigate around the innovations of others.
Describe what you like to do outside of work.
Most of my free time revolves around family activities, particularly those involving my children. They lead active and busy lives, which keeps our family on the go outside of work.
Please describe a barrier or obstacle you have faced in your professional career.
A challenge I’ve encountered is defining what professional success means to me. Throughout my career, external influences and competing interests have often clouded my understanding of what it means to be a good lawyer. At the same time, my own goals and priorities have continued to evolve. As a result, I’ve sometimes struggled to clearly define what professional excellence means for me.
Please describe your reasons for becoming involved in WIP.
I love working with women. We are strong, determined, intelligent, and endlessly creative. Working with women attorneys from all over the state on WIP energizes me and brings me joy!