Welcome, Division Members

By Shawana Almendarez

Welcome to all our division members. Thanks to all who have served and will serve! I am honored to serve as the 2021-2022 Paralegal Division Chair. Last year, our division worked during unprecedented times and continued to advance its mission and achieved many goals.  The Paralegal Council and its committees served our members and communities through countless virtual social events, assisted with pro bono services projects, membership giveaways, and scholarships.

The division’s success is an attribute of the hard work of our Paralegal Council Committees and our members’ participation. The Paralegal Council has 13 committees — Bylaws, Continued Paralegal Education, Diversity and Inclusion, Ethics, Long Range Planning, Membership, Paralegal Student Relations, Pro Bono, Publication/Blog (Communications), Section Liaisons, Survey, Technology, and Utilization. Our members are encouraged to get involved by investing time to serve on any committee of interest to them. Check out the bylaws on the division’s community page for committee descriptions.

If you are a member interested in joining a committee, feel free to sign up here: https://membership.ncbar.org/cpbase__form?ID=a0S3i000000KCHO.

Division members not on a Council or committee can also get involved by attending events and volunteering for service projects. We have a division meeting scheduled for August 13, 2021, at noon and a Virtual Painting Social on September 23, 2021, at 7 p.m. Log in to the division’s community and RSVP today! Stay up to date with upcoming events through the division’s calendar, located on our community’s page.

Members are encouraged to use our digital suggestion box to communicate with the Paralegal Council at any time during the year to make their voices and opinions known: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVp4g4Woq-QIhFblOiy3k21LQs6DL0BmPSfpiD5M_0KN6SqQ/viewform.

I look forward to another successful year of advancing division excellence through service to our members, sections, and pro bono project collaborations!


Shawana W. Almendarez, NCCP