Annual Meeting Between the Tax Section and the IRS

By Mike Wenig

Dec. 2, 2020, marked the annual meeting between the Tax Section and the IRS, along with our invited guests from the Tax Committee for the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants. As with most meetings these days, it was held virtually. We were fortunate to have representatives from the IRS from locations other than just in Greensboro. Speakers included representatives from IRS Chief Counsel’s office, the Examination Division, Collections Division, Appeals Collection, Appeals Exam, and we ended with a brief discussion by our local IRS stakeholder liaison. Click here for the speakers’ contact information.

The speakers discussed a number of current issues that each division/office is facing, including how COVID-19 was impacting each of the groups. They also mentioned what the IRS has been doing to deal with the current situation, and in particular, how their respective divisions’ ongoing operations have been impacted by COVID-19. In addition, each speaker shared some insight as to current issues at the IRS in each of their divisions. The discussions were both informative and helpful, providing context to what the IRS was dealing with as well as providing a point of contact should issues arise locally that cannot be dealt with without some management intervention. Each individual’s discussion was brief and informative and might be insightful if you are dealing with a particular issue with the IRS.

You can view the recording of the meeting by clicking the link below.