Important Tips for Conducting a Remote Deposition During the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Huseby Inc. Litigation Services
Note from the Paralegal Division Technology Committee: Remote depositions have become increasingly common during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many paralegals and attorneys are still trying to find their way through this new remote frontier. As Chair of the Technology Committee, I recently reached out to Huseby Inc. to get their take on best practices for taking a remote deposition. Huseby Inc. is a global leader in court reporting, trial support services, interactive real-time technology and mobile litigation support services.
Huseby responded to our inquiry with best practices for acknowledging remote technology, exhibit presentation, witness coaching, and external communication. This is information you will definitely want to share with your attorney before your next deposition! – Technology Committee
Do you have questions about the effectiveness of remote depositions? In response to some of the great client stories we have received regarding their remote deposition needs, we have put together some ways for you to address the concerns of conducting a remote deposition while on the record.
Find below a few ways that attorneys are changing their litigation tactics to alleviate the concerns of witness coaching, external communication, presenting exhibits to a remote deponent, and acknowledging the remote technology.
Exhibit Presentation
Witness Coaching and External Communication
If you have questions regarding remote depositions, for direct contact information, you can call or email Huseby’s North Carolina Market Manager as follows:
Hillary Creech, NC Market Manager
(800) 333-2082, ext. 575
The Paralegal Division Blog is managed by the Division’s Communications Committee. Via the blog and listserv, the Communications Committee provides information written by attorneys, paralegals, and other experts designed specifically for paralegals in the areas of substantive law, ethics, technology, paralegal practice advice, and more. If you are interested in volunteering with the Communications Committee, please contact the Communications Committee Chair, Alicia Mitchell-Mercer, at [email protected]. If you are interested in joining other Division committees, you can review a list of committees and sign up here. You may also wish to participate in the Division by using our virtual suggestion box to submit suggestions/ideas to the Division Council, submitting a proposed blog post, nominating a paralegal for Paralegal Spotlight, or completing the Paralegal Spotlight Questionnaire if you are nominating yourself.